“What Should I Do?”
Questions about sick time, leave, hiring, termination – and all the other crazy details that human resources professionals deal with on a daily basis – were the basis of the presentation that BPJ members Lisa Krupicka and Tannera Gibson gave recently at a statewide meeting of the Tennessee Personnel Management Association.
Details of how to implement FMLA, ADAAA, Workers Compensation and other important regulations kept the full room at attention. “Record keeping is very important,” said Gibson, “many of my clients get in trouble because they aren’t great at keeping records” of employee hours and absences. Krupicka detailed the differences between employees and independent contractors, an issue that is becoming more important among her clients and can lead to lawsuits.
Both attorneys are sympathetic to the challenges that senior HR managers face.
The slide that got the biggest laugh? A photo of a coffee mug that says, “Being a manager is as easy as riding a bike. Except the bike is on fire, everything is on fire, and you’re in hell.”